Media with an impact!
Davidson consulting is proud to announce the arrival of goodd.!
Need help deciphering the world of tomorrow? Or maybe with understanding new uses and behaviours in a changing society?
Look no further! Everything you need can be found on goodd. This new media will broach major themes related to the ecological and social transition!
Media that inspires
The purpose of goodd. is to promote ideas, big or small. We want to fly the flag of impactful entrepreneurs, universities, scientists and more generally anyone with a vision to shape our future! The fields of human science, innovation and creativity, even entertainment, are the central themes of the solution-based journalism championed by our editorial team.
Every month you will receive the goodd.letter, which offers insight into positive initiatives and general food for thought. You can delve further into topics on the goodd. website, such as through the, which has a variety of creative and inspiring content. But that’s not all!

goodd. … Sound odd? Not when you understand its meaning
The “good” idea is fairly obvious. But goodd. with two Ds…? No, it’s not a typo. This comes from the French abbreviation for the UN’s sustainable developments goals (SDG in English), which is “ODD” (for “Objectifs de Développement Durable”). So, from good to go odd there’s but a gap! A gap we wish to bridge so that goodd. can go beyond talking about environmental impacts to be the flag bearer for making a cultural impact that will change awareness and promote action.
Who is behind this new media?
A group of committed entrepreneurs* who are experts in media, consulting, the digital transformation and facts. It is the story of a human adventure that began at the CEC (Businesses for Climate Convention), where co-construction and shared governance are the guiding principles. It is an experience in skills sharing, where each entity can bring its expertise to the media to create a value ecosystem beneficial to goodd. and its readers.
*Mais qui sont ces entrepreneurs ?
@Gaël Clouzard co-founder of the Détroit communications agency and the Game Earth fund, @Matthias Leullier General Manager of Live Nation et @Laura Jaud Festival Coordinator at Live Nation, @Gregory Mouilleseaux, General Manager of Vulcania, and @Joffray Bruggeman, Associate Director of Davidson Consulting.
They met at the CEC convention and have been working for ten months with 300 participants on the regenerative economy as the backbone of tomorrow’s business. They decided to mirror their fight with this human adventure by creating goodd.
A huge thank you to @Pierre-Antoine GANNARD,
Head of the Davidson Digital Factory in Lyon for his involvement in this project*.
*goodd. has been eco-designed to find a balance between “Social Impact” and “Digital Impact”:
– a streamlined design to limit and optimise the weight of the pages (fewer server resources are required to display the pages);
– use of a “cache” system to save web pages (each time a user requests to display a page, the saved version is provided, which means that not all the calculations are made each time a page is requested);
– hosting our site on a French server committed to an infrastructure that consumes the least amount of energy possible. Name of the server ?
What are you waiting for? Visit goodd. and subscribe here !
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